MGS Tremors is a competitive travel ball softball program of Marin Girls Softball. We believe that every player that wants to continue their softball development after the recreation season, should have an opportunity to do so. This includes the experienced competitive travel ball players, and the players who love the game, and are looking to further their skills.
MGS Tremors has four programs during the season. Click on the heading below to learn more about each program.
For more information about MGS Tremors Travel Ball, Club Ball, Fall Ball, Sponsorships, or Financial Aid, please contact:
For more information on MGS Tremors please contact:
Chair, MGS Tremors Committee
Phone: 415 686 4858
Click here to learn about our vision for MGS Tremors and the progress we're making to get there.
Click here for a list of the frequently asked questions about the MGS Tremors Program.
If you are looking for opportunities for your player to sharpen their skills this summer and aren't able to join MGS Tremors Travel Ball or Club programs, check out these links: