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San Rafael Girls Softball


Opening Day is Saturday, March 15!

Opening Day Parade is Sunday, March 16!


Registration for the 2025 spring season is now closed.   If you have an athlete looking to play, please email to be waitlisted. 

Thank you to our 2025 sponsors!

Welcome to San Rafael Girls Softball

Our objective at San Rafael Girls Softball is to provide a positive learning environment where young and developing players can learn about and participate in the sport of fast pitch softball, while boosting their self esteem, self confidence, and learning about being part of a team. Our goal is to provide each of these girls with a positive youth sports experience that we hope they can carry with them for years to come.


We need volunteers to keep this great program running.

Please consider joining us. SRGS is an all volunteer organization dedicated to Girls Softball in our community. Our success and continued growth is dependent upon our generous volunteers.
No experience necessary - just dedication to girls softball!
Contact SRGS President, Allison DeLeo



SRGS Age Group Coordinators are available to answer any questions or help handle any concerns you may have during the softball season. You can should contact them first when an issue arises and they will help to get a resolution or answer for you. If an issue is deemed to need disciplinary action it will go in front of the SRGS disciplinary committee before it is referred to the  MGS Board.

6U -  Shannon Tracy (

8U - Justin Tinnel ( 

10U  -  Sam Lewis (

12U  -  Scott Younkin (

15U  -  John Malas (

League Structure:

How are Teams Selected?

6U & 8U:  Players are assigned where possible to teams comprised of players from their local school district or neighborhood for ease of commuting as well as keeping school friends together.

10U & 12U:  Teams are selected through a draft process following a skills assessment with the intent of having equal teams where possible. Pitchers and catchers are rated and assigned accordingly so that our SRGS teams have parity between them.

15U:  If there is more than one team in this division players will be drafted following the same ratings as the 10u & 12U draft with an eye towards competitive balance.

Are there tryouts? 

No - everyone is placed on to a team - we want to provide every girl who signs up a positive youth sports experience - there are no "cuts" - this is not a travel league. We welcome all players of all skill levels to our league.

However we will be having a skills evaluation session for 10U, 12U, and 15U (if necessary) which will tentatively take place prior to team formation (details to come - weather permitting). This skills evaluation is to help the league and our coaches in creating parity among the teams. 

Evaluations will be held at Bernard Hoffman Fields in Terra Linda. Official dates are times and will be communicated by early January.

Sponsorship and Donations Questions:

"Can I sponsor a team or be a League sponsor?"

Yes! Sponsorship are a key fundraiser for the league, allow us to give the girls the proper equipment, maintain the fields, and keep the league fees one of the lowest in Marin. We cannot provide the same type of meaningful experience for the players were it not for our very generous Sponsors through the years. We appreciate all of them greatly. 

Please contact Allison DeLeo at San Rafael Girls Softball with any sponsorship questions.

If you have a player that would like to register and have any questions please contact San Rafael Girls Softball at:

Multiple player per family discount is $25 off per player starting with the second player

League, Practice, & Game Information


- San Rafael Girls Softball is for all girls ages PreK / TK to 15 years old.

- Season runs from late February to May/June depending on age group and playoffs. Practices will begin in February with games starting in mid March.

- All home games are at Bernard Hoffman Field in Terra Linda (452 Las Colindas Rd., San Rafael).

- All practices are held at Bernard Hoffman Field.

- Snack Snack is available at all home games.


  •   6U    (Age 6 & under as of 9/1/24)
  •   8U    (Age 8 & under as of 9/1/24)
  •   10U  (Age 10 & under as of 9/1/24)
  •   12U  (Age 12 & under as of 9/1/24)
  •   15U  (Age 15 & under as of 9/1/24)


6U Division:  Practice 1x/wk for 45-60 minutes with one game per week on Saturday.  

8U Division:  Practice 1-2x/wk 60-75 minutes with one game per week on Saturdays.

10U Division:  Practice 2x/wk for 90 minutes with 2 games per week - both weekdays and Saturdays.

12U Division:  Practice 2x/wk for 90 minutes with 2 games per week - both weekdays and Saturdays.

15U Division:  Practices and Games dependent on coach and league schedule.

Most practices will start February 2025 and games will begin mid March for all divisions dependent on weather.

League Cost:

  •   6U    $250
  •   8U    $325
  •   10U  $350
  •   12U  $350
  •   15U  $350


California Department of Public Health

Outdoor and Indoor Youth and Recreational Adult Sports

If you have a player that would like to register and have any questions please contact San Rafael Girls Softball at:

Multiple player per family discount is $25 off per player starting with the second player


$25.00 referral bonus for any player new to the league - if you refer a new player have them note it in the registration referral area and receive a $25 refund on your registration cost!

Click Here for Coaches Resources

Drills, Practice Ideas, Game Resources, ACE Certification, and Rainouts

Click Here for SRGS Registration and League Information

Registration and League Information

Click Here To See SRGS Sponsors

Thank You To Our Generous Sponsors